Amazon Order History Spreadsheet Report

How To Download Your Amazon Order History Report

  • Jack Ling
  • November 28, 2023

Until March 2023, downloading your Amazon order history was straightforward. You'd simply visit Amazon's Order History portal, request a CSV download, and voila! You had a neat report of your past orders. However, in March 2023, Amazon abruptly discontinued this feature, leaving many users wondering how to download their Amazon order history.

This is where Ordigo comes in. A simple yet powerful solution that restores your ability to download your Amazon order history. Let's break down how Ordigo simplifies this process.

Step 1: Add your Amazon Account

Sign in to your Ordigo account, then navigate to Accounts page. Click on the Add Account button and follow the prompt to connect your Amazon account to Ordigo, enabling you to download your Amazon order history.

Link Amazon account for syncing orders
Step 2: Navigate to the Orders Page

Once your Amazon account is added to Ordigo, proceed to the Orders page. This page presents a list of all your Amazon orders, effectively giving you an overview of your order history. For more detailed information, including tracking number and per item cost about each order, simply click on any row. You'll be able to dig deeper into the specifics of your purchase.

Amazon orders page
Step 3: Export your Amazon Order History

To download your Amazon order history, click on the Export button present at the top right of the Orders page. A form will pop up, prompting you to specify your export settings. You can choose to export all orders or specify a particular date range. You also have the option to select the details you want to be included in the report, such as SKU, tracking number, order ID, or item name

Export options Amazon orders to Excel or CSV
Step 4: Download your Amazon Order History Report

After completing the form and setting your preferences, your Amazon Order History Report will be prepared and sent to your Ordigo email. You'll find a link inside the email to download your Amazon order history in the format you have chosen (Excel or CSV). Export success for Amazon orders to Excel and CSV

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